Frequently asked questions
Overall Program
Does the hospice accept my insurance? What services and treatments will be covered?
Noble Hospice and Palliative Care is in contract with almost all major insurance carriers. For patients who have Medicare or Medicare Replacement plans, Noble Hospice provides care covered 100% by Medicare with zero out of pocket to the patient or family. For patients who are not of Medicare age, Noble Hospice will contact your insurance organization to determine if there are any out of pocket expenses and to determine what coverage is included. Noble Hospice is always willing to speak with insurance carriers to develop a one-time contract should Noble not be in contract and should you choose to utilize our services.
What services and treatments will be covered?
Noble Hospice is a full-service hospice provider that will work with the patient and family in developing a unique, individualized care plan that will allow the patient and family to receive their appropriate level of care. Under your hospice benefit you will have a designated care team that includes a Hospice Physician, RN Case Manager, Certified Nurse Assistant, Social Worker, Chaplain, and additional resources based on needs. If the patient meets hospice criteria. Noble Hospice will also cover any primary diagnosis-related medications, equipment (oxygen, wheelchairs, hospital beds, ect.), and disposable supplies (incontinence supplies, wipes, basic hygiene, ect.) In addition, Noble Hospice will provide short-term respite care to assist with caregiver burnout and general inpatient care for patients that are experiencing uncontrollable symptoms such as pain. Further caregivers and family of the patient’s are offered continued bereavement counseling support following the passing of their loved one.
How long has Noble Hospice been serving patients?
Where are hospice services provided?
Hospice services are provided in the home setting of the patient. Noble Hospice will provide care in private homes, group homes, assisted living homes, independent living homes, long term skilled care facilities and when on general inpatient in a hospital or skilled rehab setting.
Will the hospice provide a hospital bed and other medical equipment I might need?
Noble Hospice provides all equipment that is needed for the patient to receive the highest level of comfort possible while on service. Noble has partnered with several equipment companies that have incredibly high standards for sanitization and providing clean equipment that will not break down or require replacement while under hospice care.
Will I have the same hospice nurse? Who else might I see and how often will I see them?
Noble Hospice works hard to assign a RN Case Manager that will be with the patient and family from the moment that services start to the moment that a patient transitions or graduates. In addition, Noble prides themselves on staffing with the ability to truly provide the highest level of visits that are needed to accommodate the patient’s unique needs. At the time that care begins we will develop a plan with the family and patient that will truly act as a roadmap for the number of visits patients will receive, understanding that it can change and increase at any time based on the patient’s needs.
How many patients are assigned to each hospice nurse?
Noble Hospice keeps minimal case assignments to ensure that patients truly receive the care that they expect and deserve while under hospice care. We maximize our RN case managers with no larger than a 12-patient case load to ensure that they can provide multiple visits weekly as well as make emergency visits when patients are in need. In addition, our Director of Nursing and Assistant Director of Nursing are always available to triage immediate needs and are always very familiar with the agency’s current cases.
Does Noble Hospice have help after business hours? Nights? Weekends? Holidays?
When I call with an urgent need, how long will it take for someone to respond?
Noble Hospice strives to return all phone calls within 15 minutes of receiving the call. Noble layers support staff to ensure that we are available promptly to visit patients and to speak with patients at all times during an urgent need.
Symptom Management
How will the hospice team manage my pain or other symptoms that arise?
Noble Hospice will work with the team of physicians that you designate to control all pain and symptoms. This care plan may include the use of certain medications, medical equipment, as well as certain naturalistic and holistic approaches to ensure the absolute highest level of comfort is provided.
Can I take my current medications?
Noble Hospice will work with the Patients, Families, Attending, and Hospice Physician to determine which medications are recommended to continue and which medications may be recommended to discharge. If the patient continues to want certain medications that are unrelated or not recommended we will develop a plan to try and accommodate the wishes of the patient.
What if my symptoms become uncontrollable at home? Can I go to the hospital?
Communication, Coordination, & Education
How will the hospice team keep me and my family informed about my condition?
You will be assigned one RN Case Manager that will essentially act as the captain of the care plan that is developed and that will continue to notify family and the patient about condition changes. It is standard that Noble Hospice RN’s visit patients at least multiple times a week and will contact POAs with updates following the visit. In addition, our staff likes to truly spend time getting to know the patients and the families so we can have ongoing discussions and updates during the visit with the patient whenever possible.
Will my family and I be involved in making care decisions?
Patients and family members will always have the right to provide valuable input into care decisions at Noble Hospice. In fact, we ensure that in all possible situations patients and family members are expected to be the ones that are directing their wishes and expectations for care.
How do I communicate any questions or concerns I have about my care?
Can I still see my regular doctor if I am on hospice?
Caregiver Resources
Can we speak with other caregivers to learn of their experience with the hospice?
Noble Hospice certainly can reach out to connect you with a caregiver of patients that are actively receiving care or have previously experienced the care that Noble Hospice has provided. If you are interested in receiving a reference, please call us at 480-868-2845 and our Director of Social Services will work on providing you a reference today.
What support services are offered by the hospice?
Noble Hospice provides support with the concept of providing more visits, more time, and more attention then your standard hospice from day one. We truly strive to identify the unique needs of the patient and family to ensure that they feel supported. In the case that a caregiver is experiencing “burn out” Noble will pay for a patient to be transported to a skilled community with round the clock RN care for a short-term respite stay. After the respite stay is complete Noble will handle transporting the patient back to the place of residency.